Project Checklist
Project Checklist¶
You can use this checklist to help guide your thinking on the final project. If you check off all the boxes below, you should be in good shape to get a perfect score on your final project.
Overview, Question & Background¶
Write a clear summary of what you did
Briefly describe the results of your project
Limit overview to 3-4 sentences
Research Question:
Include a specific, clear data science question
Make sure what you’re measuring (variables) to answer the question is clear
Background & Prior Work:
Include a general introduction to your topic
Include explanation of what work has been done previously
Include citations or links to previous work
Include the hypothesis
Ensure that this hypothesis is clear to readers
Explain why you think this will be the outcome (what was your thinking?)
Include an explanation of dataset(s) used (i.e. features/variables included, number of observations, information in dataset)
Source included (if outside dataset(s) being used)
Data Analysis:¶
Data Cleaning & Pre-processing
Perform Data Cleaning and explain steps taken OR include an explanation as to why data cleaning was unnecessary (how did you determine your dataset was ready to go?)
Dataset actually clean and usable after data wrangling steps carried out
Data Visualization:
Include at least three visualizations
Clearly label all axes on plots
Type of all plots appropriate given data displayed
Interpretation of each visualization included in the text
Data Analysis & Results:
EDA carried out with explanations of what was done and interpretations of output included
Appropriate analysis performed
Output of analysis interpreted and interpretation included in notebook
Privacy/Ethics Considerations:¶
Thoughtful discussion of ethical concerns included
Ethical concerns consider the whole data science process (question asked, data collected, data being used, the bias in data, analysis, post-analysis, etc.)
How your group handled bias/ethical concerns clearly described
Conclusion & Discussion:¶
Clear conclusion (answer to the question being asked) and discussion of results
Limitations of analysis discussed
Does not ramble on beyond providing necessary information
Final Checks:¶
Edit all text for clarity
Remove all instructions
Be sure text included throughout to guide reader
Check to make sure all text and images are visible